August, 2021

4th JCC Meeting on 29th July 2021

The course of the Project for Countermeasures against Land Subsidence Jakarta (PCLSJ) is inevitably affected by the Covid-19 pandemic. Thus, timeline of the project has changed and has been extended to the year of 2022. In July 2021, PCLSJ enthusiastically conducted the 4th JCC online meeting due to difficulties in face-to-face meeting under the pandemic situation. This meeting was chaired by the Director of BINTEK from the Ministry of Public Works and Housing (PUPR) and was attended by the Provincial Government of DKI Jakarta and other related ministries or counterparts, such as the Ministry of National Development Planning (Bappenas), Coordinating Ministry for Maritime Affairs and Investment (Kemenko Marves), Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources (ESDM), Ministry of Marine and Fisheries (KKP), and the DKI Jakarta drinking water company (PAM JAYA).

In the 4th JCC meeting, JICA project team delivered comprehensive information on project’s progress and plan of activities implementation. The information includes the explanations of monitoring methods, data management systems, inundation risk maps, pilot activities, and formation of Planning and Implementation Committee.

As a part of mitigation of land subsidence, JICA project team has been conducting pilot activities to monitor the occurrence of land subsidence in Jakarta using monitoring wells. Currently, two monitoring wells were installed in Cengkareng and Cakung, where severe land subsidence occurred. The monitoring wells are aimed to provide important and accurate data on a regular basis for the Government of Indonesia. For a better land subsidence monitoring, JICA project team recommended to construct another monitoring well in Nizam-Zachman Fishing Port. The team also recommended to provide an alternative water resource by construction of rain harvesting. Thus, utilization of groundwater, which is the main reason of the land subsidence in Jakarta, can be minimized.

Land subsidence in Jakarta is still occurring and promoting countermeasures against land subsidence by related ministries and agencies is crucial to reduce the land subsidence. Hence, establishment of a Planning and Implementation Committee is substantial for a sustainable implementation of JICA project recommendation.

Several ongoing pilot projects of land subsidence in Jakarta will be a best example for other region/cities which also suffering from severe land subsidence. Hence, the countermeasures could be implemented to prevent land subsidence widely in Indonesia.

By Admin JICA